Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Spirited and away

How many of you out there have seen the Japanese cartoon "Spirited and away"? I know my little brother Marcus and my friend Esteban has. Both of them like the movie allot. I did as well when I saw it. 

Why do I bring this up? Because Jason took me to the place on the north east coast of Taiwan that inspired the maker of the film to make it - Jiufen. 

Here comes my experience of Jiufen presented by photos. 

 View from Jiufen

View of Jiufen

Jiufen has an Old street. It´s probably this street that inspired "Spirited and away"

Jason and I had some food here. I ate the best Squid Ball Soup I have ever had. 

For the people who have seen the movie.
I left before the lights were turned on... 

Traditional Chinese lanterns. 

In the midst of all the people and commotion, there were three cats... 

I love how you can see it´t tooth. 

There are no comments that can do this dog justice. 
He probably inspired some of the characters in the movie. 


And me.

I had a great time, I didn´t turn into a pig and I did leave before the lights were turned on. 
All in all a great day. 

Thank you Jason for taking me there. 

Stay awake. 

Love Ove

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