Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Getting close to the end...

Hi there. 

Today I went outside while I had a break between classes. The sun was shining. I felt the the smell of flowers in the air coming from the jungle close by. 
I went back in and finished the days classes. 
After the classes there was a reward ceremony for the movie competition. The film me and my class made got a prize. We got the Honorable Mention Award. I have no clue as to what goes into that title, what made them choose our movie for that prize, but they did, and the prize money is enough to by a serious cake. 

Today I got word from CSN (Swedish board for economical support for students) and they told me that there is nothing that would prevent me from keep studying Chinese. So... in the fall I will study Chinese as well. Have already been admitted to another university. 

But before I start scribblings Chinese characters again, I will spend the summer in Sweden. I am really looking forward to that. Most of all I am looking forward to introduce Jason to my family, and to show him my country. 

Stay awake. 
Love Ove. 

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