Sunday, September 22, 2013


One destination that I wouldn't have taken Jason to if it hadn't been for the fact that my 
mother lives there is Trollhättan. In my experience Trollhättan is a boring is a boring place, it turned out that I was wrong... as I have been many times before. 

This was the first time Jason got to meet my mother. We went to her place and after some "fika" I asked my mother if there was any nice places we could visit, and if she could take us there. 

First she took us to "Kopparklinten". A high cliff overlooking the city. 
In Sweden it is said that in olden days there was something that was called "Ätterstupa". This was a place with a high cliff where people took their old ones and while they were looking at the nice view they were pushed over the edge. This was a way of getting rid of an extra mouth to feed. 
Whether or not this was ever practised I don't know.... But that where my mother took us. 
She didn't push us over the edge though. 

In the river below my cousin often catch salmon... or so he says :) 

For the ones who are used to following my blog, you know I like to take photos of the small, insignificant things as well. Well this time I found a beautiful snail.

Here is my mother and Jason walking next to the locks of Trollhättan. 

I think he is so handsome... 


We passed this road into nowhere. 

And then a Jason in Trollhättan collage.

Stay awake. 
Love Ove 

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