Saturday, September 7, 2013

Jason´s first encounter with outdoors life.

For me outdoors activities are a very important part of my life. For Jason this hasn't been the case. He told me once that he wants me to introduce it to him a little bit at the time. 

This is his first real encounter with Ove In the Wild. 

I gave Jason two options. Hiking to a cabin in the woods or to kayak over a lake and there sleep in a tent. Jason (to my surprise) chose the tent. 

The Kayaks we had were inflatable ones and thus not that big or impressive. This didn't bother Jason though. It was windy, there was rain in the air and it was Jason's first time to kayak. It ended up with me tying a rope between his and my kayak, and me being the one who did all the paddling. 

This is right after we made it across the lake. 

Here you can see how wide the lake was.

Here are the kayaks we used.


Not far away from where we put up our tent there are a pack of wolves. Isn't that great :) 

Still... being the Taiwanese guy he is... the phone with all its apps followed us into the wild. 

A group of loons. 

Breakfast. It turns out he likes Swedish KAVIAR.

This is the camp we set up. We made the fireplace. We based it on a big slab of flat rock I found a little bit away. The bench was made from a tree the beavers cut down. 

To be continued...

Stay awake. 

Love Ove. 

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