Saturday, August 10, 2013

Rörbäcksnäs part 2

This is me on top of the Lindvallen Mountain. Up here its easy to get lost.

To help you getting lost (both summer and winter) they have put up these things. They are signs put up along the tracks that you can find on the maps over the area. 

 You still need a map though. 

When you know where you are and you don't feel lost, then you can start to notice all the beautiful things around you. 

This is Heather up close.

This is a blue berry. Not ripe... But beautiful. 

These blue berries ARE ripe. 

One evening my brothers kids and I walked up along a river...

While biking these forest tracks you HAVE to have a helmet. :) 

Stay awake and don't forget Snowden, Assange and Mannings. 

Love Ove 

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