Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Completing Kid Icarus


Sometimes it takes decades to complete something.

These things can be things of importance or things that are utterly meaningless.

Still... No matter how meaningless they might seem... they might bring great feelings of contentment.

Like me completing the NES game Kid Icarus.  I started playing it when I was around 10. Never did complete it..
Then 30 years passed...

Now I have..

Wish you the greatest of days. And may you complete something today that you haven't gotten around to completing before.

Much love.

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Hello everyone. I guess there is noone who reads this anymore. I have been gone from this place for quite some time. (Update: I was wrong. More than 11.000 views which of 5 just the last hour. Sometimes its great to be wrong.)

Much has happened since I last wrote anything on here. The biggest thing is that I moved back to Sweden. AND that my boyfriend came with me. He is now my husband.

Life is good to us. We enjoy life . I hope you do too.

With Love, Ove "Hanuman" Holmström.