Monday, June 9, 2014

Scooter trip - day 6 - special edition - Scuba Diving

Today I will take you with me down under the surface. The place is Green Island, and I had an amazing time.

My Dive Master gave me a plastic bottle filled with bread. When I pushed the bottle, water squirted out of it and so did some bread. The result was hundreds of fish wanting to be close to me. The experience can not be described. Must be experienced. 
After that we went swimming. The corals had so many colors.

Here is a Sea cucumber.

More corals.

And some anemones. 

Here I got my eyes on a Sea Snake. 

Finding Nemo.

I like to play around with the weightlessness. 

I came across a sunken city.

How about them colors?

One thing that is just amazing to look at, is the surface... From Below. 

You should try diving sometime if you haven't done it before.

The person in the middle in the front was my dive master. An amazing dive master. In fact, I think he was the best one I have ever had. 
He was the one who took all the photos. 

And As Always... My dad made new friends.

Bye Bye for now. 

Stay awake.

Love Ove